Bible Study Union (BSU) / SLEFES - Fourah Bay College, USL Associates

Bible Study Union (BSU) / SLEFES - Fourah Bay College, USL Associates

We are graduates from this noble institution and we seek to make a difference


We are Associates of the Bible Study Union BSU / SLEFES, a home for Christian Students at the Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone Campus. We seek to make a difference as we believe that there's more that unites us than divides us.

We are compelled by love

Our Primary Goals

Our Primary Goals

  • To make a difference and positive impact on the current BSU group and help fulfil its needs by assisting in anyway we can. 
  • Support SLEFES thereby lending a helping hand to all other college campus Christian groups.
  • Maintain the WhatsApp group, pleasant atmosphere and constructive contributions and postings. Only that which builds and doesn’t discourage or drive off other members.

Our Secondary Goals

  • Chapel renovation
  • Promote fellowship:- Reminiscing, testimonies of BSU past and current membership compilation, Urgent personal prayer requests, Sharing personal testimonies/challenges/teachings/ revelations etc
  • Non-profit business initiatives

A Place for everyone

The Chapel complex has served as a a home for everyone.

The Bible Study Union is a family of Christian Students at the Fourah Bay College campus. We welcome everyone irrespective of their beliefs or backgrounds.

We are compelled by love

Official Launching of the Fourah Bay College Chapel Building Project

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

“2 Timothy 2:15”