The Appeal

Let us rise up and build!

Let us rise up and build! This is the stirring appeal from Nehemiah 2: 18. Facing the ruins of the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah and the people roused themselves up and gave themselves totally to the work of rebuilding.  The people had the mind to work, the heart to pray and they completed the work with great and exemplary success.

Let us rise up and rebuild the Fourah Bay College Chapel. I entered Fourah Bay College in 1950 and have great fond memories of the Chapel, especially the evening worship time named “Compline”.  I taught Mathematics at Fourah Bay College and later became the Pro-Chancellor of the University of Sierra Leone. The Chapel is the symbol of our place of worship and devotion to God.  It is a sitting monument for those who are coming behind us,  Let us give ourselves totally to this mission—rise up and build– contribute meaningfully, eagerly, generously.  May the edifice be such that even if we are in any of the continents of the globe, we can visit the college and tell our children that we are part of it.  We can frame the picture of the new building in our homes and gladly share in its joy, pointing out to visitors and family that we are one of those who built it!

Alumni! Friends of Fourah Bay College! All of us,  in each of the continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South Americas. Australia and New Zealand—this is an urgent call to you and me—let us rise up and rebuild!

Rev. Canon Dr. J.E. Modupe Taylor-Pearce